The importance of pictures in your stories

Yesterday, 18 July 2012, marked the 20th anniversary of the first photo ever to be uploaded to the World Wide Web. A 7 News article reports that in 1992 a research laboratory in Geneva uploaded the photo of the four female members of the parody band Les Horribles Cernettes. This article reminds us of the [...]

In order to gain media coverage for your business you need to be able to find interesting stories about your company and share them in an appealing and simple way with journalists. Not all stories are obvious. People in ‘non-sexy’ or unglamorous businesses may wonder why a journalist would be interested in writing about their [...]

Many people have the misconception that Public Relations is just about party planning, attending events and travelling the world with celebrities. However, in reality PR couldn’t be more different and involves a wide variety of roles and responsibilities. A recent article in crikey, written by Noel Turnbull, discusses this misconception about PR, held by many [...]

Many businesses still have trouble understanding exactly what Public Relations (PR) is and how it can benefit their business. If someone has never had any experience of PR it can be difficult to explain. This video and the following article provide a great way to help you understand and explain PR. Public Relations is all [...]

A good spokesperson is vital to any business wanting to build their profile and reputation. They put a human face to the organisation and can effectively communicate your messages to the public and the media. Businesszone has provided some top tips for being a good spokesperson. Whether it’s being interviewed by the media, speaking at [...]

A huge part of a PR professional’s role is writing content for a variety of mediums. With so much content to write each day it can be easy to neglect the basic rules for writing great content. Copyblogger has provided some simple tips you can do right now to improve your writing. Write short sentences: [...]


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