Does PR still matter?

A lot of people ask, ‘is PR still relevant when social media is transforming the media landscape?’ And despite views that the media release, one of the most traditional forms of PR, is dead, they are still one of the best ways to tell your story and convey company news to the media. The communications [...]

It is important that every public relations agency, or department, has a variety of monitoring tactics in place to ensure that they are able to measure the success of their public relations strategy. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of public relations tactics often cannot be measured empirically and as a result, many public relations practitioners fail to [...]

A great way to promote your business is by writing your own eBook and distributing it to customers, clients or potential new business contacts. An eBook is a digital book, which is available online and on electronic devices such as an iPad or Kindle. eBooks are a great way to raise your business’ profile by [...]

A media release is one of the most effective ways of providing information to media outlets and it is often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about public relations. A media release can help you to communicate your news to a number of key journalists at the same time and can also [...]

Video is an excellent medium to use when looking to share your expertise and build your profile. Viewers are not only more likely to engage with visual content; they are also able to make a personal connection with you by watching your videos. Filming your own series of videos ensures that you have complete control [...]

A great bio is a critical tool for thought leaders to sell themselves to their target audience. If you are a spokesperson for your business, provide commentary in the media or speak at events, you need a winning bio. An expert bio showcases your expertise, experience and qualifications in a genuine way. It is not [...]


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