How, and why, to develop your key messages

Communication – it’s difficult enough to spell and can be even harder to achieve in the real world. Many professional novelists are secretly astounded at the messages or themes that readers take away from their books. Messages and themes that the author themselves had been quite unaware of. Creating any message, as any writer, copywriter [...]

Here we are again, end of another year and planning for the year ahead. But before we get to 2015 there is the festive season to celebrate. For businesses this is a great opportunity to increase your exposure to your audiences. So how can you maximise PR opportunities this holiday season? Capitalise on holiday themes [...]

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Images capture attention, create intrigue and have the ability to increase audience reach. Individuals are exposed to thousands of stories daily and visual communication can help to ensure your message is received. For businesses, communicating with audiences can be made easier with the addition [...]

Businesses today are faced with multiple channels that can be used to reach potential customers. Where traditional businesses may have once relied solely on offline communications strategies to reach their prospective clients, many businesses today rely heavily on online methods to reach a more digitally savvy audience. While neither method is incorrect, businesses should not [...]

Over the years, our PR agency has received many calls from businesses looking for a one-off media release to be written and distributed on their behalf. This ‘quick fix’ or ‘as needed’ approach to PR is short-sighted and may not produce the best results for your business or project. Here are four reasons why a [...]

With developments in design and technology, the internet has become all about participation, collaboration and content. Social media can provide B2B companies with the opportunity to connect with customers and clients in a highly personalised manner which makes it an essential sales and customer service tool. Social Media can provide a platform for B2Bs to [...]


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