Five things to check before sending your media release

Writing a media release is a basic skill of any Public Relations professional, but it’s easy to lose sight of some simple rules. A quick quality check can mean the difference between your media release being published, or being deleted. Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases, has provided five simple things to check before clicking Send. [...]

Most people have an email address and use it either for work or keeping in touch with family and friends. You can use email to send regular updates to people interested in your work. Sending a regular email or e-newsletter is it a great way to share your stories. It can also be a powerful [...]

The expansion of online technology has seen great change in the methods of Public Relations. An online PR Strategy is now an essential element of a campaign. But how do you know if your strategy incorporates the right methods and approaches? An online PR Strategy must not only incorporate social media tools such as Facebook, [...]

Social media can be very much like PR – how do you measure relationships and credibility? In PR we can measure things like the number of key messages in articles and the amount of media coverage. For social media there are many ways we can measure how successful the strategy is: 1. Increased Revenue. What [...]

The social media phenomenon has been expanding at an amazing rate in recent years. It has become an ever-present gateway between our personal and workplace lives, and sometimes it’s hard to believe that we ever survived without it. It is a tool that we as Public Relations professionals can use to build brand awareness and [...]

Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases, has provided a back-to-basics guide to ethics and manners in the PR industry. The advice is simple: remember the lessons you were taught as a child. From being honest to being a good friend, the article is a call for professional behaviour in Public Relations, and a reminder that while [...]


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