How to get the media to call you

When thinking about how to share your expertise and opinions, do you ever think about sharing it with the media? The media is one platform you need to consider when sharing your stories and expertise to a wider audience. It can help you build a positive reputation and solid credibility for you and your brand. [...]

Have you spent hours carefully crafting a media pitch, sending it to a journalist, following-up a few days later with a phone call and they say no, not interested? So where do you go from here? Don’t get disheartened, there are many reasons a journalist may have turned down your media pitch. If this happens [...]

I often get asked how do journalists like to receive media releases. Journalist, Stephen Withers has answered this question perfectly: When you email a release, your first challenge is coming up with a subject line that will grab my attention. “Media Release” probably won’t cut it. If I don’t open the email, you’ve wasted your [...]

Writing and distributing media releases is just one way of getting media coverage. You can also write an article and pitch it to a publication. You can also come up with a story idea and pitch that to a journalist. Pitching is where you contact specific media outlets to offer them either an exclusive story, [...]


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