Digital Advertising Agency

Prime Digital Media turned to CP Communications to raise their brand awareness and profile among media buying and planning agencies both nationally and internationally. CP Communications developed a strategic PR plan to position PDM as Australia’s leading out-of-home digital media company. PDM is Australia’s leading provider of out-of-home digital (OOHD) media and control Australia’s largest, [...]

Many businesses believe that advertising and public relations play the same role for their business and if they do advertising they don’t need PR, and vice versa. However, PR and advertising have completely different roles for your business, which are important to understand to help you reach your target market and achieve your business objectives. [...]

Veet have done a great job of linking a topical news story with an advertising campaign. You would have to be on another planet (or on holidays in the middle of nowhere) to have missed that yesterday was the inauguration of US President Obama. Veet used this massive news story for this excellent tactical press [...]


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