5 ways to get the most out of a disappointing event

Some workshops and conferences you attend can often leave a lot to be desired. You leave these disappointing events feeling dissatisfied, especially if the speaker shows up late or is disorganised. How can you make the most out of these ho hum events and get the most out of your money and time? You may [...]

Your personal brand is crucial to your business success and one way to build your reputation is by telling your expertise story. We all have stories to share, both personal and professional. Your stories can help others and can also let others know who you are, what you stand for and why they should do [...]

Happy New Year! As we start 2017 you might be making some personal New Year resolutions. But now is also a great time to think about how you can improve your business by making some PR New Year resolutions. Here are some suggestions you can include on your list of PR New Year resolutions. Be [...]

Any successful business owner, entrepreneur or leader will tell you sharing useful and interesting stories can be powerful in building a positive reputation and solid credibility. As such, to be competitive in the business world, you now need to become savvier in telling and sharing your story. The media landscape has changed significantly and is [...]

When you think about social media, you think Twitter, YouTube, Facebook – but do you think PR? Adding PR tactics such as media releases and case studies to the direct relationship building of social media can result in extraordinary results. Public relations creates a two-way communication between an organisation and its audience, or a person [...]

Your personal brand is a hard won commodity and in business it is your most valuable asset. But what happens when that brand is damaged in some way? Whether it’s through your own actions or those of others, a damaged personal brand can hold you back from new opportunities, clients, deals and prospects. By far [...]


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