I have heard about twitter for a while now and even read some tweets. Personally I can’t see the point, but it seems that it is becoming more and more popular.
HitWise recent research shows that visits have more than doubled in the last three months, and traffic rocketed up 60 percent in the past month, the site ranked only 439 among social networks and forums last week and 4,309 among all categories of Web sites.
It seems it is addictive. Users frequently visit and return to the site from computers or mobile phones to leave brief but typically fun 140-character messages on their Twitter pages for their followers and friends to read and respond to.
Journalists are taking it up – SMH’s Enterprise’s Valerie Khoo is now a Twittee devotee.
People are incorporating the service into their daily, 9-to-5 routines. For example, a blogger or journalist might post what show he or she is attending and then return to post Internet sticky notes about a keynote or some other happening. Bloggers and journalists can then follow the Twittee to inform how they cover or, in the case of public relations people, pitch a story.
Valerie said in SMH’s Enterprise blog:
As a small business entrepreneur …….if you combine your marketing messages with a lot of other useful – or interesting or quirky – messages, you might get a good response from Twitter. You can also send your “tweets” directly to your subscribers’ mobile phones as a text message (if they allow this function).
While you might not be able to fathom why people would go to Twitter to see what you are doing, you can also create a feed so that your “tweets” automatically show up on your webpage or blog which ensures that your webpage has dynamic content that changes all the time. Instead of being static, people will see something different every time they browse to your page – and that will keep some people coming back to it.
Maybe I will become a Twitee as well…..
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