People following me on Twitter will know that my sweet little goldfish, Bubbles, died yesterday. She had been sick for a few weeks and we tried everything to make her better (including my friend Sarah singing to her).
I get that people don’t get fish, but if you had met Bubbles you would have realised how darling they can be!
I tweeted over the weekend updates about her being sick, and then yesterday about her dying.
What I love about twitter is that I received replies and DMs from people about Bubbles, saying how sorry they were. Some are dear friends, others I have met only once and some I have never met.
It made me realise that I have this real connect with people because of twitter. People say that the internet and email isn’t like talking with people – you can’t develop real connections but yesterday I can tell you I felt real.
I love that I can share part of my world – work as well as (some) personal – with people that I wouldn’t share it with if it wasn’t for Twitter.
Also I have had a new business enquiry from Twitter as well as had my website SEOed by a Twitter friend.
So as my dear friend @valeriekhoo would say, the only way to get Twitter is to start using it!
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