Where does traditional news fit now?

It seems that social media sites and blogs had up-to-date information about the Victorian bushfires long before the traditional media.

Newmatilda.com has reported that since Victoria’s bushfire tragedy began to unfold on Saturday, social media tools including Twitter, Facebook and Flickr have completely out run traditional media sources with up to date reports, news and observations.

Twitter in particular, with automated updates via RSS feeds, has come into its own during this disaster. The Twitter account for the Country Fire Association in Victoria (@cfa_updates) is unauthorised by the association, yet is scheduled to provide updates every 30 minutes based on reports from their site.

The blogs for radio stations ABC Radio Victoria and Triple M Brisbane radio show, The Cage, have also become great sources for information, updates and a space for the public to post condolences.

Groups on social networking site Facebook, have also been created in response to the weekend’s events. Some popular ones include “Victorian Bushfires — Do your part to help” and “Thoughts for those affected by the Victorian Bushfires”.

Meanwhile, Flickr users have added hundreds of images from the fires here, and YouTube has also been part of the social media story with video compilations such as Hell On Earth: The 2009 Victorian Bushfires trying to make sense of this great, unfolding tragedy.

Full article.


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