Search Engine Optimisation for Media Releases

To improve the visibility of your media releases via searching, modify them so that they show up in online searches performed by your target audience. Decide on a keyword phrase that ties in to the product or service you are promoting and that people actually search for. You can research this conveniently at For [...]

I am continuing my theme around social entreprenuership and interviewed Karen Miles, Director of The Frank Team who offers resources in the area of entrepreneurship and career passion to community and youth group as well as corporates. In your words, what is a social entrepreneur? Someone who makes new ideas and projects happen, or starts [...]

From a PR perspective it may be very important for you to see who is commenting on your business or your products. Certainly if you are managing a crisis situation you will need to monitor it, not only through the media, but now through blogs. Tracking company, Technorati tracks the number of links, and the [...]

Want to learn how to Market Your Business Online Like The Professionals? And unlock the potential of online marketing for your business. ADMA NSW Young Direct Marketer of the Year, Fred Schebesta is running a seminar to reveal and teach you online marketing secrets including: 1. Improved conversion into database list secrets 2. How to [...]

Download full article: Robert Cailliau Global Summit As part of the 2006 Global Summit I recently interviewed one of the presenters Robert Cailliau who is the co-Developer of the World Wide Web. He spent the last 30 years working at CERN – the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world’s largest particle physics centre.   [...]

Developing and distributing a media release is one of the most effective ones of telling your story to the media. A media release can contain information such as the work your business is doing, a new product release, the signing of a new contract or commenting on industry issues and trends. The main rule is [...]


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