Time to get organised

When you’ve said yes to one too many things, and it’s causing you stress because you don’t think you can cope with the workload, there are a few things you need to do to get organised. 

It may seem like you’ll never be able to have everything under control, but all you need to do is take a step back and take a look at everything you have to do, without getting overwhelmed. You need to focus all your energy on completing the most important tasks and just getting it done.

This is how I handle those situations where I have said yes to too many things.

Ditch faffing

You know faffing…taking ages to make a decision or finish things off. I enjoy being highly focused, and often set myself false deadlines to eliminate faffing. Although, I find myself faffing about certain things…my inbox is currently sitting at 3,792 unread emails.

Lists are my saviour

Making lists is the best thing I can do when I’m swamped. It puts everything in front of me, makes it easy to prioritise everything and the satisfaction of crossing something I’ve completed can make it easier to see that the tasks left to do are shrinking. It’s great to have an action plan (similar to how I do client work) and it really puts order to the chaos.

Use your time wisely

My business is run with military precision. We have procedures for everything. It’s structured in a way so time isn’t wasted. Also I maximise my effort and time. For example, all of the articles I write aren’t just used once in an email to my database. They are used multiple times across every social media platform, sent to journalists, uploaded to news sites and then they are used in an ongoing basis as evergreen blog content. Find out how you can write articles like a pro here.

Busy isn’t always bad

I like to be busy. I’m happier when I’m doing and achieving stuff. But I also need to have downtime, whether that’s catching up with the people that make me feel good, spending the afternoon at the day spa or walking in the bush. My mantra during these times is be still and let the beauty emerge.

I think a part of me loves the rush of having so much to do in such little time, but when you see that you’ve spread yourself too thin and it’s affecting your wellbeing it’s important to ask for help from the people around you. As well as putting into place actions that will help you organise your time more effectively. We’re only human, don’t be scared to have a limit of what you can do.


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Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results. Contact us today. For more great tips, visit our website www.cpcommunications.com.au.

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