The all male panels have got to stop

Have you been at an event recently where all the speakers were men? Maybe it was at a conference, or possibly at a work event. These all male speaker line up at conferences and panels, frankly, it annoys the hell out of me and impacts the ability for women to step into their spotlight. Considering [...]

Over several years CP Communications has implemented a thought leadership program for the Macquarie University Faculty of Business and Economics which has resulted in significant financial returns and over 200 pieces of positive media coverage. Macquarie University Faculty of Business and Economics offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in addition to strong academic research in the [...]

If you want to become known as an expert in your industry and raise your profile and the profile of your business, you need to consider public speaking. Speaking at conferences and other events puts you in front of an audience interested in what you have to say, who may potentially become your new customers, [...]


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