5 things to think about when starting a blog

Have your thought about starting a blog? As a business leader and entrepreneur, a blog can be a powerful tool to profile you as a thought leader and expert in a particular area. A blog can help to establish credibility and also communicate your personal brand to readers. A blog can be a platform for [...]

If you want to be seen as an industry expert or thought leader a great way to boost your profile is to write blog posts. Blogs are the best way of demonstrating your expertise online, controlling your message and building your reputation. The power of a blog is that when you are blogging, you are [...]

Blogging is a powerful tool for communicating your business’ stories. And in essence, that’s what public relations is all about. Blogging is an efficient and cost effective way to publish content, allowing you to take control of the content. But you don’t have to have your own blog to get involved, you can also consider [...]

• Use other social media mediums to link to your blog – when I post I always tweet about it. So the tweet for this post is “Why blog? My tips on blogging” This means you a driving traffic from twitter to your blog. And interesting tweets are often retweeted so twitter can send thousands [...]


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