The next new thing in social networking applications has emerged and it is called “Sprouter“! This application enables collaboration and networking between entrepreneurs globally.
Sprouter will appeal to entrepreneurs as it is a global entrepreneurial networking platform allowing you to talk with both international as well as domestic entrepreneurs about your industry’s trends; predictions; and industry current affairs amongst other topics.
So how does it work?
What are you working on? Sticking to the idea that Sprouter is the entrepreneur’s new Twitter, ‘What are you Working on?’ Replaces Twitter’s famous ‘What’s Happening?’. Sprouter’s question differs to Twitter because instead of asking for posts with general comments covering any and all categories and you then having to filter through all of them, Sprouter offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to post, to their sprouter affiliates, business projects that they’re currently working on.
Your business project may be of interest to another entrepreneur who has had experience with a similar project. Sprouter allows this entrepreneur to comment on your post -potentially offering you free advice or a request to collaborate.
In being able to collaborate with such a large network of entrepreneurs through Sprouter you can gain an insight into overseas markets more through the eyes of those working in them. You can also notify potential B2B clients, potential collaborators and other relevant members of your area of business, the details and success of your projects both domestically and internationally which is great- particularly if you are looking to take your business or your professional services to an international presence.
You could make friends in the business who you could help with the knowledge and skills you’ve gained through your experience and thus build your business and services a louder presence which could lead to referrals. In return those you have helped could also do the same for you.
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