Quick response with contact details

Soon you won’t need to worry if you forget your business cards when you go networking. The new tecnology called QR will be all you need.

QR (Quick Response) Codes mean that by simply flashing a mobile phone at one of the square codes you can be directly linked an advertiser’s website, or automatically receive the personal details from business cards.

QR works by the consumer using a camera phone that has been equipped with the reader software, scanning the image of the QR Code causing the phone’s browser to launch and redirect to the programmed URL.

You will need special phone software to read the codes, or you can download a QR code reader. You can create your own code. Here is mine containing all of my contact details.

qr code



Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results. Contact us today. For more great tips visit our website www.cpcommunications.com.au. 

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