How to use evergreen stories to your advantage

rp_Girl-writing1-150x150.jpgThere are heaps of events that occur every year that the media will always publish stories about such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day. These stories are called evergreen stories.

Evergreen stories are kind of like groundhog day. They come around every year and from a media perspective, they remain interesting and newsworthy every year.

Journalists are always looking for a new angle for an evergreen story because they don’t want to publish the same story as last year. You can use this to your advantage and gain publicity for your business by coming up with a fresh new angle.

An example of an interesting evergreen angle is around New Years Eve when there are always hundreds of stories about New Year’s resolutions – quit smoking, get fit or get a new job. You could add a new twist to this old angle with – What are your New Year’s business resolutions and how to achieve them.

You could even write a success story about how your business achieved last year’s resolutions and the amazing result that occurred.

Here is a list of events for evergreen stories:

  • Holidays: Easter, Christmas, New Years, ANZAC Day, Queen’s Birthday, Chinese New Year, Australia Day
  • Special days: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, International Women’s Day
  • Annual events: The Melbourne Cup, End of Financial Year, Clean Up Australia Day
  • Special Weeks: NSW Seniors Week, Australia’s Healthy Weight Week

There are many more annual events that you could use for evergreen stories. Here is a link to a few more to consider.

Now is the time to start thinking about the next annual event and how you can create a new twist on an old story. Mothers Day is just around the corner!


Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results. Contact us today. For more great tips visit our website 

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