A subscriber is someone who follows your YouTube channel and wants to stay informed of any new content you post.
Increasing your subscribers on YouTube is important because it will increase the popularity and exposure of your channel. Your subscribers will often share your videos, which may even result in your videos going viral.
Social Media Examiner has provided some great tips for getting more subscribers to your YouTube channel.
Prompt people to become subscribers: You can ask people to subscribe to your YouTube channel by asking them to click the ‘subscribe’ button above your video. You can write a sentence on your YouTube channel telling people how to subscribe, where to find the button and why they should subscribe.
Include an annotation: Annotations are colourful messages that you can stick on your videos. You should add an annotation just under your subscribe button and ask people to subscribe. Only add one or two annotations because they are often overused and can become distracting.
Put your video on your website: A great way to increase your subscribers is to exposure your video to a wider audience. You can imbed your videos on your website, blog, Facebook or other social media pages to attract more people to your YouTube channel.
Interact with your subscribers: People will be more likely to subscribe to your channel when they see that you are constantly updating it and providing new content. YouTube is a community and you need to maintain a constant interaction in this community. Comment on other people’s videos and they may be more likely to watch your videos and comment back. If you create a relationship with other YouTube users you can increase your subscribers.
Set a goal: Set a goal of how many subscribers you want to achieve and post this goal on your YouTube channel. People will be more willing to become subscribers to help you reach your goal. Make sure you provide people with an incentive to become a subscriber, such as when you reach your goal you will do something fun or unique that they would be interested in.
Once you have increased your subscribers you need to keep them interested in your channel. Make sure you post content consistently and interact with others on YouTube. You also need to provide content that is interesting and of value to your subscribers.
Read the full article here.
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