How to be an effective writer for your business

Businesswoman at computerA great piece of writing can mean the difference between capturing attention and putting your audience to sleep.

Whether you are writing an email, website copy, article or something else for your business, it’s important to improve your writing skills to be able to communicate the right message to your target audience.

PRNews has provided some great tips that PR professionals and businesses can apply to their writing.

Start with the audience

Always know who you are writing for, what publication or outlet you are writing for and what message you want to communicate. This will help to shape the tone of voice and language you use in your writing in order to communicate your message effectively.

To appeal to a wider target audience don’t use unnecessary or complicated buzzwords and avoid using jargon.

Get to the point

In any piece of writing it’s important to know your key message and communicate it to the audience in a succinct way.

Use paragraphs

Whether you’re sending out newsletters or posting on your blog, break long pieces of text into bite-sized paragraphs and use subheadings. This will help the reader to consume your content quicker.

The 10 second sentence rule

Don’t test the patience of your audience by writing long sentences. A quick test to keep your sentences short is to read them out loud. If a sentence takes longer than 10 seconds to read, then it’s too long. Short sentences help a paragraph build momentum quickly and keep the reader engaged.

Incorporate multimedia

Audiences have a strong appetite for visual stories. Appeal to their senses by using images and videos to communicate your message. This is another way to prevent your reader from tuning out.


All writing needs to be edited, even at the most senior level. Unedited mistakes affect perceptions of quality and credibility. Ask a friend or colleague to read over your work and correct any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Good writing is essential to enable you to deliver the right message to the right audience.  A great piece of writing has the power to influence an audience, help you gain media coverage, attract customers and many more benefits for your business.

Read the full article here.

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