Do you need networking training?

Everyone running a business knows networking – making contact with potential customers, suppliers, peers and even competitors – is crucial.

A good networker knows that networking and building relationships is about taking the time to find out about others and from there working out if there is any synergy, or how their service or products could help that person with meeting their business or personal goals.

Networking doesn’t come naturally to many people, so have you thought about getting training?

Bconsulted, a business relationship consultancy is running a Professional Development Workshop about creating networking and networks that assists with communicating with strangers, prospects, peers, clients, suppliers, management, family, friends – your network! (potential or existing)

Each interactive workshop draws on global research to assist participants master key techniques to aid in the creation and management of profitable business relationships.

DAY ONE: Create Networks Workshop
No doubt, Networking takes work – it is a skill that must be learned and developed.
Ensure you attend in order to refine your personal networking strategy as opportunities to network can take place anywhere at anytime and it pays to be equipped.

DAY TWO: Manage Networks Workshop
In an age where we have hundreds, sometimes thousands of contacts, it is essential to learn superlative Relationship Management Strategies. No matter what database you use, you will learn masterful techniques to strengthen and nurture all connections.

For more information


Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results. Contact us today. For more great tips visit our website 

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