Common mistakes brands make with social media

Social media has become an important aspect in brand strategy and communication over recent years. However, many brands, including big brands, make mistakes with social media that are easily avoidable. An article on The Drum outlines five mistakes brands commonly make with social media – and how to avoid them.

  1. Having no social media presence at all
    Having no social media presence at all means you run the risk of not being considered because either you can’t be found or people consider your company ‘archaic’ because of your lack of social media presence.
  2. Your social media presence is hardly ever monitored
    A business creating a social media presence and then failing to spend time on it defeats the purpose. You should either use social media to communicate with your consumers and get your voice heard, or not have one at all.
  3. You use inappropriate social media channels
    Take the time to find out which social media channels are the right for you and your business. Otherwise, the time and effort you spend joining the channels that aren’t right for you becomes wasted effort.
  4. Your social media site is used as a specific direct marketing tool
    People who take the time to follow you are interested in you, your brand and what you have to offer. Bring your followers closer by showing them who you are and what your company does – not just broadcasting your products and services.
  5. Your social media strategy is outsourced
    If you are going to outsource your social media, make sure you do your research. Find a company that seems to understand your brand and key messages, and has been working in social media for a long time.

Read the full article here.


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