Choosing your company’s media spokesperson

Building your company’s profile and protecting its reputation should be a key aspect of your public relations strategy but an entire strategy can be derailed if the wrong spokesperson is selected to front the media.

So what should be considered when choosing your company’s spokesperson?

High-ranking executive: but not necessarily the CEO
In many cases the CEO is the most reputable name you can put out there, they obviously know the business well and have final say on all issues, however if the CEO is not media friendly, they could end up doing more harm than good.

If the CEO has a nervous or shy disposition or they can come across as un-trustworthy, they may not be the best person to represent your business. Another executive who is more confident is definitely worth considering.

Know the business and its key messages
One of the most important lessons in PR is knowing the company’s key messages and being able to tie them into an interview, regardless of the questions being asked. The spokesperson should have a strong knowledge of the company’s background and the issues that a journalist may raise, with a confidence to answer the questions while sticking to the PR strategy.

Well presented and well spoken
It doesn’t matter how knowledgeable a member of staff is, if they can’t string a sentence together for radio or look presentable on camera, then they shouldn’t be your spokesperson. It might sound harsh and it’s certainly not all about appearances, however in reality this person represents your company and you need to consider how you want the audience to perceive your business.

Understand the importance of media
Your spokesperson doesn’t have to have ‘get’ public relations but it is vital that they appreciate the power of the media and the value for the company of getting good press. If your spokesperson sees PR as a waste of time and a hassle in their busy day, they will not project the best image and may not convey the right message.

Media training is recommended
Many people get nervous when approached by the media, but by having a plan in place, your spokesperson will have more chance of giving a successful interview. Learning how to answer questions and how to stay in control of an interview by conveying your key messages can be incredibly valuable. It’s a good idea to participate in some sort of media training, whether it is an intensive one day session or a half an hour briefing with your PR person before the interview – the difference is definitely noticeable.


Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results. Contact us today. For more great tips visit our website 

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