Media pitching is more than a numbers game

The purpose of pitching media angles is to gain the attention of a journalist in the hopes your story will be published. There are many approaches to pitching a story, you could send an email or pick up the phone and talk to a journalist. But before you start writing that email or dialling a [...]

Blogging is a powerful tool for communicating your business’ stories. And in essence, that’s what public relations is all about. Blogging is an efficient and cost effective way to publish content, allowing you to take control of the content. But you don’t have to have your own blog to get involved, you can also consider [...]

Writing is an important part of communication and an essential skill for any business. Whether it’s writing an email, blog post, media release, white paper or article excellent writing skills can help you to communicate the right message. Here are some excellent tips to help improve your writing. Make headlines interesting It’s important to have [...]


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