Sony generates over £1m in sales through Twitter

Sony Vaio’s Twitter account has generated over £1m in sales, the technology giant has revealed. Speaking at Marketing Week’s Social Media for Brand Building event yesterday, Sony head of corporate communications Nick Sharples said the company sees Twitter as a viable sales platform as well as a tool to amplify PR activity. Speakers from brands [...]

Aligning your brand with a charity, more than just PR Let’s face it, people like to associate themselves with businesses and brands that support causes. October was Breast Cancer awareness month and everyone everywhere was out buying products covered in pink. We attended a Cancer Council fund raising event at Aqua Dining. The owners of [...]

Veet have done a great job of linking a topical news story with an advertising campaign. You would have to be on another planet (or on holidays in the middle of nowhere) to have missed that yesterday was the inauguration of US President Obama. Veet used this massive news story for this excellent tactical press [...]


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