3 easy phrases to clarify your message

Today’s digital space is filled with one-liners that are compelling, punchy and message driven. There seems to be no room for verbosity in today’s digital world.

PR Daily has given 3 communication phrases that will help you stay on track, improve message clarity and grab the attention of others.

1. The goal is…
If someone asks you what a new project is about you answer with “the goal is…” and follow with a maximum or one or two sentences.

2. The purpose is…
Finish this phrase with one line that describes what the purpose of what you’re doing is. Your description should be direct clear and strong.

3. The bottom line is…
This phrase is all about cutting to the chase and respecting people’s time. This can be delivered like a prized secret you are sharing with only this one person.

We are surrounded by sound bites and one liners that leave little room for muddied and vague communication. Be precise and clear with your messages and you will find people will pay more attention and understand your key messages.

Read the full article here.


Sydney Public Relations Agency, CP Communications provides specialist media, traditional and online PR strategies that get amazing results. Contact us today. For more great tips visit our website www.cpcommunications.com.au.

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